Tuesday 26 September 2017

Mythological Thingiverse Mashups

I believe one of the earliest forms of remix culture comes from mythology. Specifically, mythical creatures. Mythical creatures have always been based on real life animals and people, which have been blended to form a new type of animal. This includes both human and animal hybrids like the vampire or werewolf and mixes of animals like the griffin (part lion, part bird). 

So, I felt inspired to create my own mythical creatures, remixed from Thingiverse. 

Garden Alpaca
This is my Garden Alpaca. I was inspired by the unicorn to make this creature both majestic and something that would fit right in at a fancy European garden. 

 Sea Lion
What sea lions should really look like based on the name. A mer-lion, if you'd like. The tail comes from a mermaid after all. The gills were kind of cool to make in Adobe Illustrator.

Elephant Centaur
This is my fresh take on a centaur. Instead of the body of a horse, the centaur has the main body of an elephant, tusks included.

Octopin, both the creature and the name, was born by merging the octopus and the penguin. To me, it looks like a mysterious creature that would spout prophecies to passersby. 

 Dragon Snail
The idea of the Dragon Snail came about because I love dragons and the contrast between the ferocity of the dragon head and the tame, peaceful snail intrigued me.

 Flying Dolphin
I just wanted to put butterfly wings on a dolphin because it has a cool aesthetic.

 Horned Fox
The Horned Fox looks like the type of creature that would accompany you on a quest and fight alongside you to bring peace to the land. I was inspired to add ram horns to the creature after reading the comic series Saga, where one of the main characters, Marko, has the same feature.

 Soul Bound
Thus far, the creatures I've mashed together have been peaceful or harmless creatures. So I had to try something a little more mysterious/dangerous. As you can see, the Soul Bound was born. I like to think the spirits of this dog and spider have merged and that this creature wanders the countryside scaring travelers. I also had to include what this creature would look like transparent, and more spirit-like.

Bear Bird
I honestly think the Bear Bird looks majestic. It maintains peace in the fictional world in which it lives.

Bee Head
Last but not least, there is the Bee Head. Truly a strange creature. In mythology, there are many examples of strange animals that stall heroes in their quests or ask riddles (such as the sphinx). Also there is a historically weird fascination with animals that have human heads so I had to try it out for myself. 

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